Account Formula in SAP Analytics Cloud-DECFLOAT
Many a time we need to multiply a property of a dimension with the measure and that can be done easily through data action but if you want to use an account formula to make its calculation more quickly and on the fly, below is the right way to do it.
[Measure_name] * [d/dimesion_name].[p/property_name]
Now when I was trying to use the above account formula, it gave me an error that said, “Formula could not be computed: Incorrect parameters specified for function “*”. There is no matching signature. Please complete or rewrite the formula”.
Now seeing the issue what I understood is my property was saved in text/string and the measure of course is numerical and you cannot multiply numbers with string so that’s when we have to use the conversion. To solve this issue I used DECFLOAT which is a data type used for handling decimal floating-point numbers. Below is the right way to use it.
[Measure_name] * DECFLOAT ([d/dimesion_name].[p/property_name])
By using DECFLOAT now the multiplication will occur among numbers as we have converted our string to float.
~Thanks for Reading.